Monday, April 18, 2011

I Heart being a Kreativ Blogger.

I won the Kreativ Blogger Award! I am so happy and now I have to say 10 things about myself and pass this on to 10 people ( Unfortunately most off the people I follow are already Kreativ Bloggers) we go!

10 things about myself.

1. I am a school girl who loves crafting especially cross stitching.

2. I love Op Shops and just love shopping in general.

3. I have another blog that I started before this one called Moloko's Adventures.

4. I collect money boxes and miniature EVERYTHING eg. books, tea sets, china, glass ornaments etc.

5. I have an attic bedroom with a ladder not stairs!

6. I have a Great Grandmother who has just turned 90.

7. At school I am my House Captain and I am on the S.R.C.

8. Reading is my favourite way to pass time.

9. But I still like video games as well.

10. I have NEVER been overseas and I am now saving furiously with my family for a trip to Europe.

I will now try my hardest to forward this award to some favourite bloggers of mine.

1. How To Master The Art Of Fashion for being a great friend.

2. Hill and Vale for being a lovely person and a really good friend.

3. I op therefore I am for being so interesting.

4. grrl + dog for being so crafty and so inspiring.

5. The Haby Goddess because I just LOVE to look at all her things.

6. Curly Pops because I want to see her win Cosmos fearless female award!

Unfortunately I do not have any more blogs that I can give this to because I do not have any more blogs that I follow that have not already been given this award.

Thank you to Niki at Original Mischief   who nominated me and for having a great blog.


  1. Congrats little missy I nearly nominated you the other day but wasnt sure if you would have enuff to send to.

  2. You're very welcome! I love seeing you discover all the hearts xxx

  3. I live up a ladder too!

    Let's be friends forever.

    HANGMAN for life.
