Friday, July 1, 2011

I Heart Food and Holidays.

Well, it's holidays for me now and to be honest, I am looking forward to a well earned break... well, I think it is well earned. Recently my friend sent me a photo of a cracker that she was eating that had a heart shaped hole in it, she took the photo i front of the T.V which was showing a scene of someone doing open heart surgery. I think this is the perfect picture to put on my blog.

I also took a photo recently of a steak that I couldn't eat (because I was sick and not eating anything) that I had cut into a heart shape. It doesn't really count as "finding" a heart but that doesn't matter because I haven't uploaded it anyway. If you really want to see the heart shaped steak then just post a comment to let me know.

One more thing to say to all those craft-loving people out there... my teacher gave us a knitting assignment! How awesome is that!