Monday, February 20, 2012

I wonder what day these were eaten...

Yes, it was valentines' day. And I know I am late on posting about this very special day but I had to share this whether it was late or not.
So...on valentines day everyone was bright and cheery and I guess you could say 'love was in the air', but when I got home I was very surprised to find three heart shaped cupcakes sitting on the bench. My step-dad had bought one for my mum, himself and I. Yum.
I took two photos of the best looking cupcake.

Valentines' day 2012 was certainly one to remember. I hope everyone else also had a wonderful day.

1 comment:

  1. What a sweet step-dad you have. Knowing how much you love hearts, Valentines Day must be one of you're favourite days of the year Moloko.

    Please say Hello to your Grandma for me, I've been thinking about her lately...I miss her blog and lovely comments. I hope she is well x
